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General Writing Advice

Occasionally I get asked whether I have any advice for fellow writers. While everyone's process is different and what works for me may not work for others, here are a few things I've personally found to be helpful:

  • Writing makes you a better writer, but also, reading makes you a better writer. Carve out some time to sit down with a book once in a while.

  • Wear a particular scarf, use a certain font, listen to the same playlist, sit in a specific chair - find something to signal to yourself that it's time to write.

  • There's this weird line between giving up and moving on. There's no right way to handle this line, but try to be conscious of it. Never delete or discard a story completely, but if you need to work on something else for a while, that's fine. If you never go back to a certain story, that's fine too, as long as it's what you want.

  • If you've got writer's block, try reading what you've written so far. Re-immersing yourself in a story is a great way to remember how far you've come, gather ideas for what might happen next, and get some editing done.

  • It's okay to take breaks! It doesn't mean you're giving up or you've lost your passion. Writing can be a very isolating task, and it's easy to get sucked into a sort of magical time warp, which is fabulous, but only in moderation.

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